Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte (French: Napoléon Bonaparte) (from August 15, 1769 to May 5, 1821 m) military commander and emperor French, was born on the island of Corsica, which France had seized before he was born fifteen months.
Upbringing and education
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the island of Corsica in 1769 after a year of its accession to France in the family was originally from Italy nobles and this was the reason for Napoleon spoke French Italian accent. He joined Napoleon on his ninth-old school French military, from which he graduated in 1784 to enter the Military Academy Royal in Paris, where he finished his studies in one year instead of two years - as planned - because of his genius and his wits sharp, to begin his career is in the sixth century.
Napoleon was a national extremist, and when the revolution in France was a chance of Napoleon in 1793, when besieged French city of Toulon instituted by the British, and Napoleon was commander brilliant artillery has changed instincts national and become sincere. After the revolution has been upgraded Napoleon and asked them to get feudal in South Aitaleao did not find a problem in the students then disease Napoleon to take advantage of Hola soldiers Italians Bthmishm and morale for them and Kanwahm the spark that set off the battles of Napoleon in the mountains Aataliaominha to Egypt, which was seen by East Gate and Britons to cut the road they have shot to fame after what we achieved in Italy became the most popular politicians in the French royal court and strange thing is that Napoleon when he traveled to his conquests Aatalialibda it does not go on his marriage three days of the girl who Ihbhawalta were not love at first Zusbandokan known about Napoleon because he lover of Nsakhtaib articulate
The rule of France
Email Napoleon to Egypt in order to eliminate the trade in England with India, but his campaign ended in failure in front of the fleet the English, led by Nelson at the Battle of Abu Qir Navy, he returned to France, and then announced later the same consul first for ten years and then the title of Emperor in 1804, and entered the war in 1805 seconds against the greatest three powers: the United Kingdom, Austria, Russia, succeeded in defeating Austria and Russia in Austerlitz, then defeated Prussia at Jena in 1806, Russia has defied NATO Napoleon Vhagmeha in 1812, defeating the Russian army, but when he entered the Moscow though her family had destroyed and his army was hungry tired suffering from the winter cold in Russia, showing teeth analyzed his soldiers who were killed there and the 25 thousand they contracted typhus and trench fever a disease transmitted by lice and finally defeated Napoleon in 1815.
French campaign on Egypt
Omaq Napoleon Bonaparte world the scourge of war is known that the Catholic Church tried to join the Coptic Church to but the Coptic Church has maintained its independence has tried the French in this area representatives to the Pope after the French Revolution, or as he called the French spread of the French public persuaded Napoleon French government attack on Egypt and occupation drew up campaign on Egypt in 1798 AD The campaign was made up of 30 000 warrior .. On May 19, 1798 took off Fleet French large component of 26 vessels of Mainatouleun, and reached the British news leaving Napoleon France and entrusted Elynalson tracking its impact and the destruction of his fleet, and he intends to Malta but found that the fleet Napoleon left towards the east in five days, Faragh it mean Egypt and moved to Alexandria, reached on June 28, 1798 did not find there to the French on the impact and warned Egyptians. The French fleet arrived at Gharbalascndria Ajmi in the first in July 1798, and initiated dropping off troops for a night on the mainland and then conduct an army to Alexandria.
Unloaded barges French warship French army in July 1798 in Alexandria .. The face of Napoleon on the same day an appeal to the Egyptian people, and issued an appeal to the people of the campaign Balocetkana and cooperation, claiming that Napoleon had converted to Islam and became a friend and protector of Islam ...
Seized Napoleon on the richest province in the Ottoman Empire, according to the propaganda war claimed that "a friend of the Ottoman Sultan" He also claimed that he had submitted to Egypt "to cropped from the Mamluks" is not, as the enemies of the Sultan, and the enemies of the Egyptian people ... [1] This is a message of Napoleon Bonaparte Muslim historians who called him General Ali to the people of Egypt:
"In the name of God the Merciful, is no god but Allah alone and not a partner in his ... O sheikhs and imams ...
Tell your nation that Frensawih are also Muslims are loyal and prove that they have been encamped in Rome grand and vandalized the chair Pope, who was always urging Christians to fight Islam, then Qsdoa island of Malta and were expelled Alkualliria who claim that God asked to fight the Muslims, however, Frensawih every time they became lovers faithful to the presence of the Ottoman Sultan Adam .. God ... his Adam God homage Ottoman Sultan Adam God homage military Frensawi God damn Mamluks and repaired if the Egyptian nation "
Mohammad Karim remained irresistible offer the French army in Alexandria remained retreats and then sit with him and Qaitbay Citadel group of fighters, and finally surrendered and paid for fighting, not to be recognized and entered the city of Napoleon, and announced their safety. In September 6, 1798 issued an order of Napoleon Bonaparte implementation of the death penalty in Mr. Mohammad Karim "field Rumaila" in Cairo.
Became a Muslim ruler Napoleon Bonaparte named "Bounnaprda Pasha", and has been called the Muslim name on Napoleon Bonaparte, and was wandering around a wearer clothes and Eastern turban and robes. He was reluctant to go to the mosque on Fridays and contributes to religious rites traditional prayer, and the fact that Napoleon Deewana consultant composed of elders and Islamic scholars composed of 11 scientists, headed by Sheikh Abdullah El Sharkawy. [2]
But the strangest documents is his will to Kleber in which he says: If you want to control Egypt long you should respect the religious feelings of the people and respect the sanctity of their homes.
And another severe excitement the dream of Napoleon digging the Suez Canal and not to waste a single drop of Nile water if under him to rule Egypt a long time, and that makes Egypt a base for a formidable empire east of Suez extends to Iran and Afghanistan, I am not the least of Alexander the Great. Despite severe sadness because Alexander conquered Egypt at the age of twenty-sixth while I'm in the eighth century.
There are other document No. 3618 dated November 4, 1798 signed by Bonaparte on the military decision to pay the salaries of France elders Diwan, Sheikh Ismail They Barrawi and Sheikh Yusuf al-Musli and Sheikh Abdul Wahab Shabarawi and Sheikh Suleiman Jawsaga and Sheikh Ahmed Cherkaoui. It seems that these were not scientists have joined the Court in the first composition.
There are military orders in a few lines reveal how to manage the affairs of the French army in Egypt. Documents also reveal the existence of correspondence between the teacher Jacob battalion commander Copts and George essential one objects Copts of Egypt, which is dangerous because it reveals the plans and a wide range of separation between the Copts of Egypt and Muslims (letter No. 3872 dated December 7, 1798). then there is a message of congratulations on February 26, 1799 under No. 4262 of the General Mino Ali threw his Friday sermon at a mosque in Gaza as a Muslim in the course of the campaign Ali al-Sham, and says to him: The best way to preserve peace in Egypt is to adopt the faith of Islam or at least not hostile and attract Dr. elders Islam not only in Egypt but also in the rest of the Muslim world.
And reveal other documents for accurate characterization by Napoleon himself to some war battles such as the Battle of Rahmaniya (No. 4626 dated July 20, 1799), and the other the next day, and then again to the people of Cairo to make sure their neutrality in the war against the Muslims Sham.
Then dozens of letters and orders the execution of criminals and bandits in Cairo, and also the execution of French soldiers proved fresh crimes against the people.
Ali that the most exciting of these documents are documents signed by the last before his departure for Egypt, including his will to General Kleber No. 4758 dated August 22, 1799, and other documents proving that he had intended to return to France after sending reinforcements and a new army to Egypt , but the surrender of Mino in Alexandria in July 1801 eliminated completely his dream. sayings of Napoleon about Egypt:
1. In Egypt, if not sentenced to waste a single drop of the Nile in the sea, and staying largest farms and factories fired by a formidable empire, but you Standardization of Islam and Muslims under the banner of the empire and world peace prevails French.
2. I spent the most beautiful in Egypt years, In Europe, the clouds do not make you think of the projects that the date is changed, while in Egypt, which governs able to change history.
3. If I did not ruler of Egypt to become emperor of France.
4. Prophet Muhammad, built an empire from nothing .. ignorant people of a nation wide brown .. deserts of the wilderness built the greatest empire in history. ('s Interview: Napoleon Bonaparte celebrated his army commanders and is a ceremony birth of the Prophet)
5. Islam Christianity Tvsdahma politics and playing with fire if they organizers have crossed the borders of places of worship because they are leaving the kingdom of God, and walk in the kingdom of Satan.
6. My dream embodied in the east, while almost turns into a nightmare in the West.
The idea of the Suez Canal in the era of Napoleon
And went German philosopher famous for Aabetz propose to King Louis XIV (*) the idea of a canal linking the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea in the framework of a comprehensive project for the invasion of Egypt, but the Sun King, as it was called did not want to annoy the Sublime Porte in Constantinople hand, Because dreams expansion was in Europe, when the French Revolution entered in a bloody armed conflict with the kingdoms of Europe were able to win by only one kingdom which England, hence the idea of cutting through the British colonies in India to occupy Egypt and the French campaign in 1798 . odd that the documents reveal that the Government Alderctoar which ruled France has wanted to get rid of the young officer Napoleon, and he was 27 years old, has achieved impressive victories over the enemies of France in Italy gave him an order directly leads the preamble to the command of the political campaign to do digging a canal linking Bahrain and therefore was called Canal and not after the Suez Canal, a name that will give him the de Lesseps of the channel after nearly half a century of the campaign., and the documents speak for exit only to Napoleon from Cairo to the cause of non-military, which is gone and a group of engineers headed by Engineer claims Looper (LePere) to preview the site engineered at Suez and start drilling, but Lopez persuaded Napoleon to refrain from the project because it was discovered that Mistoasear Red higher than the level of the Mediterranean, and told him that if he dug at Suez Vsngriq all of Egypt .
Felicien David and Napoleon returned to Cairo sad but his dream did not die ....
The effects of the French campaign on Egypt
Accompanied the French campaign group of scientists in various field of science at the time more than 150 scientists and more than 2000 specialist of the finest artists, painters and technicians who accompanied the French leader Napoleon Bonaparte in Egypt during the years 1798/1801. Of chemists, doctors, astronomers, etc., and were the result of Mjhodhm is a book Description of Egypt, which is a group documented includes 11 volumes of photos and paintings are owned by the Library of Alexandria and 9 volumes of texts, including a special folder Balotals and maps contributed by the Academy of Egyptian
The these scientists work overwrought covered all the land of Egypt from north to south through the years their presence and they monitor and record all aspects of life in Egypt at that time and related activities ancient Egyptian civilization to go out into the world 20 part of the book describes Egypt and characterize the book with pictures and paintings of high precision and detail. This book is now the largest and most comprehensive encyclopedia of the land and the Egyptian Antiquities being the largest hand-written manuscript and painted illustrated Qtmizat study deep scholars and academics who accompanied Napoleon as the book was published between 1809/1829. It also includes the group photos and pictures to aspects of activity of the ancient Egyptian for Egyptian antiquities and the days of the campaign itself the natural history of Egypt in addition to documenting all aspects of life and historical treasures, artistic and Egyptian religious and record all aspects of plant and animal life and Mineral Resources at the time [2].
Has issued the Alexandria Library (digital version) of this book (Description of Egypt) on CD-ROM.
The director of the library, Dr. Ismail Serageldin, "The importance of this initiative comes to being the first in the world to digitize the book, which is one of the deepest and strongest books is also one of the riches of Egypt and enables researchers to view it as a substitute for the original copy."
Al-Ahram May 29, 2006 m year 130 43 638 number mobilized France's efforts scientists and experts and provided huge financial potential to assemble all correspondence Napoleon into folders for each stage of his short life, which lasted only 50 years, which was released recently in Paris the second part the campaign Ali Egypt 1798 1801.
Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt at the head of about 36 thousand men and 5 thousand cannon and thousands of horses and 200 ships, scientists and the Press has exceeded 28 years, a flurry of young people was carrying in his pocket pens many codifies all the time pen in person or ordering Fedun has thousands of orders and memos, ideas and discourses military, political and personal totaling 2500 document, the publication of which even today does not exceed 1500, published them for the first time in this folder or catalog around 1000 document, which What made Ms. Martine de France Jawadfr President archives and a close friend of Egypt describes this work as nothing less than a scientific and historical book of the same description Egypt [2].
The introduction to the book 1400 page placed great scientist Henry Lawrence for that project Napoleon create an empire French in Dar al-Islam is provided to Saddam current between Islam and the West, and the development of the West founded two centuries of colonialism material on the British way, and intellectual French-style, though the two Itlakien much. has put Volume 3 committees: one scientific and historical second and third special editing and publishing, and the number of employees in the three committees about 65 scientists and a historian and editor and financially responsible, all under the supervision of the French historian known Thierry Lantz.
And took action in this folder 10 years and was impressed with Mr. Napoleon Mohammad Karim governor of Alexandria, and was a great admirer of his courage and Frosath, but Kleber has been warning him of slag governor of Alexandria until the end that it was signed Napoleon and the knife in his heart he says is executed Mohammad Karim, and also reveal infuriated by Azhar sheikhs Cairo after the revolution of initial, it is considered that the establishment of the Bureau enough to run the country by the sons of the elders of Al-Azhar, and is the location from which to strike Cairo guns and perhaps taken the decision to return to France at the moment .
Neve and his death
He denied then to the island of Saint Helena, where he died of stomach cancer. It has been said that he was assassinated by coating the walls of his room and arsenic caused his ulcer infectious stayed with him until his death was therefore often put his hand inside his jacket over his stomach.
They were numerous statements about the cause of the death of Napoleon, some said he died of stomach cancer, while others felt that was poisoned with arsenic to several signs were discovered later, including that his body remained intact to a large degree twenty years after his death, one of the characteristics of arsenic, and the description "Louis Marhand" to Bonaparte in the last months of his life, is identical to the symptoms of poisoning that article, however, some recent studies have proved that he died of stomach cancer just like his father.
And may likely Dr. Pascal Kentz toxicologist French that he believed that the French emperor late Napoleon Bonaparte had died of poisoning and announced that he found traces of arsenic mineral popularly known as the "rat poison" in the poetry of Bonaparte in 2001, from this I conclude that the deposed emperor was poisoned and not the result stomach cancer on the fifth of May / May 1821 for 51 years. He d. Kentz that arsenic arrived in the spinal cord of the hair, which explains his arrival through the blood and through the food digestible, and thus a response to the theory put forward by the 2002 release "Saans any in" (Science and Life) French monthly, which says that the arsenic detected an external source and not covered by the emperor and built his theory Bulletin on the French, which said that the arsenic was used frequently in the nineteenth century to maintain the hair.
His marriage and his sons
It is noteworthy that Napoleon had been married before Empress Josephine to divorce her, to marry Archduchess Austrian "Marie Louise" and who bore him his only son from his crucifixion Napoleon II, King of Rome.
As mentioned in the book "Napoleon was poisoned ... Do you?" Writer (Ben Weider) that Napoleon had two sons, one of Eleanor Denel girlfriend Caroline Bonaparte, was the fruit of their meeting Count "Leon" (1806 to 1881 he died at the age of 75 years, and the other from "Mary Aluska" Countess Polish beautiful young Alexander and whiskey (from 1810 to 1868 ) died at the age of 85 years. [citation needed]
Was Napoleon many enemies hate him, but harbor has great respect at the same time, when asked Amir sea Duke of Wellington captain the British in the Battle of Waterloo famous for the greatest general in his time, he said that the greatest of the past, present and future, all the time is Napoleon Bonaparte.
Military Affairs
Napoleon played an important role in the defense of the French Revolution against the monarchists, it also proved the ability of military high in the wars fought by the first battle of Toulon and from which position is the plan, rather than those that had been developed by the commander of the troops.
Fought Napoleon many battles against Austria, Russia, Britain and Russia and other countries, where he achieved victories in 40 of them, so that some compare Alexander the largest and Julius Caesar, but he was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo, which denied evacuated to the island of Saint Helena, where he died and was buried there in 1821, his body was to be returned to France, where he settled in Paris in 1840.
The campaign is carried out by Napoleon to Russia in 1812 is the beginning of the end for this great leader, where he has a negative impact on the deep French army and efficiency, they also witnessed the death and injury of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians alike.
Emancipation of the Jews
Napoleon edit Jews in France from a lot of restrictions on them, which were set in their places of neighborhoods for Jews, and the rights of ownership and worship and employment. Has faced these policies opposition and backlash for Jews within France and a number of other countries, but that Napoleon had insisted on, and he saw that giving rights to the Jews in France Sajzbhm it from the rest of the countries which do not enjoy the same rights and benefits which will benefit France. The said Napoleon
"I will not accept any proposals never force the Jews to leave France, just like any Fnda Jews of citizens in our country. Weakness it is expelled and the courage to include them." [3]
In general Napoleon was considered a favorite of iodine so that the church Orthodox Russian practice on the label "Christ charlatan conspirator with the Jews against Christianity." [4] During the Napoleonic wars against the Ottoman Empire, and when the siege of Acre in 1799 equipped Napoleon declaration of the State of Jewish in Palestine. [5] but the defeat of Napoleon in Acre dispelled this plan. Although the reasons for the truth of this Declaration and even his health disputable when some historians, however the focus of the Zionist movement is preceded by many years the Balfour Declaration.
Napoleonic Code
Attributed to Napoleon the credit for the release of the French Civil Code, which borrowed the rest of the European countries, which is a great leader for the establishment of the Government of the Organization of severe bass and courts judicial, schools and strong management and active and enlightened still French to now striding out, which is great because it has sent Italy from the death of inactivity and Onarha Bmchkah sophistication and construction, as well as oppression of all kings Almaxan him and break all the armies of different training and selfless bravery. However it has several disadvantages, including suppression of the slave rebellion in Haiti and his decision in 1801 to return Judge slavery in France after it was canceled by the Republic has, in addition to causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Europe because of the wars there.
With regard Napoleon as governor state, he had turned against the government in 1799 Alderctoar after his return from Egypt sudden, the poor conditions that were experienced by his country at the time, the government establishes consulate, and appointed consul first life, with the right to nominate his successor. Napoleon then convert the system of government from the consulate to the Empire, then stepped down from the throne after the entry of enemy forces Paris in 1814 and exiled to the island of Elba, and then return to France again in 1815 to take over that was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo and exiled to the island of Saint Helena until his death
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