King Thutmose IIINews
of Ra, Thutmose III (1425 BC. M..) Is the sixth Pharaohs Eighteenth
Dynasty, and is considered one of the greatest rulers of Egypt
throughout history. Thutmose II died, leaving the throne to his son, Thutmose III, who was not old had exceeded the sixth. The
Hatshepsut, which his aunt and his father's wife at the same time, the
inauguration itself the guardian of the throne of King Thutmose III
small. Two years later, the self-proclaimed Queen of the throne and ruled for twenty years. Then disappeared, and ascended the throne of Thutmose III and his father.Thutmose versatility militaryThutmose
III was king warrior has six ten military campaign against Asia (Syria
and Palestine area) was able to prove his influence there, as proven
influence Egypt until Nubia in the south, was Amir city of Kadesh in
Syria leads an alliance of warlords in the country Asian Sham against
Egypt Vsamm Thutmose III to discipline this king and defeat this menace. Vdrb
soldiers better training and built castles and forts, defeated in the
battle known as the Battle of Megiddo in Tel Megiddo (currently located
north of Palestine), featured the talents of Thutmose III military,
which led to the country fear the Near East from Egypt. He
says one historian veterans in ancient Egypt and confirms the texts
about the power of Egypt in the era of Thutmose III and say (there is
no power in the country's Near East could face the Egyptian army, who
received military training excellent and won under the leadership of
King genius is Egypt's Pharaoh great Thutmose III). Too interested
in constructing naval fleet forces managed to simplify the control of
many of the Mediterranean islands such as Cyprus and also to expand the
influence on the coast of Phoenicia (the coast of Lebanon and Palestine
now), and this is the first to set up the oldest empire in history
stretched from the Upper Euphrates as far north as the fourth cataract
on Nile River to the south. And
nicknamed (Abu Empires), as well as nicknamed Thutmose III (Napoleon
Middle) as well as (the first emperor in history) as one of the
geniuses in the history of military inimitable throughout the ages. And
is considering plans military in many colleges and military academies
all over the world, which is the first of the division of the army into
the heart and wings, has engaged the British Empire with many of his
plans in the battles, especially what he had done Lord Allenby in his
battles against the Ottoman Empire in World War I. and it was this wise policy impact on cohesion Egyptian empire for a century and dissemination of Egyptian culture there.His proficiency politicalSummoned
Thutmose III sons princes regions Asian to Thebes, capital of Egypt at
that time, to learn in schools customs and traditions of Egyptian and
educate them Egyptian culture, and instills in them love Egypt, even if
they returned to their home country and took power which have become
loyal followers and certainly can not think of war Egypt,
and questioned by some historians that this is the Pharaoh Jewish
exodus from Egypt (Children of Israel), based on a paragraph in the
Bible says that King Solomon had built the house of the Lord in the
year 480 of Exodus of Israel from Egypt and the fourth year of his
reign and select the fourth year of Solomon's reign added 480
years will lead this to the end date of the rule of Thutmose III, but
this assumption dubious because of the different figure in copying
translations Torah so that each makes this period of 500 years which
shows that this figure was a guess of clerks Torah. [1] It is known that King Solomon rule in Palestine between 970 and 928 BC.Its architecturalBuilt
Thutmose III in a good many temples including two temples, one next to
the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahri, as he built Albwabtan giant
sixth, seventh and ballroom at the Temple of Karnak and completed
construction of a temple Habo initiated by Hatshepsut, and held a
temple to the god Ptah at home in Memphis, and has the temple three
compartments First of Ptah and the second goddess good and the third of
the goddess Sekhmet wife Petah where represented by a statue with the
head of a lioness Iatlah disk of the sun, and has a temple in the term
and obesity, and set up a temple in Elephantine to the gods Sataat, and
has effects in Kom Ombo and Edfu and Ain Shams and Armant.Established
Tuthmosis III at least seven obelisks mostly exists now in a number of
capitals of the world, including the obelisk in London (is one Mslten
ordains Thutmose III in front of the Temple of the Sun Bahleopolas was
transferred engineer Grecian named Bntios to Alexandria to Aodaa front
of the Temple of Isis, has fallen this obelisk over
the base in the fourteenth century AD, and is said to Mohammed Ali
Pasha donated to Britain in 1831 but did not arrive to London only in
1878, where it remained lying on the ground throughout the time for not
being able to move so as to ensure the costs of transfer traffic Erzms and
he made her age special ship for transport, has been the ship on its
way to return to the sinking as a result of the storm in the Bay of
Biscay, but were rescued obelisk and arrived safely.It
is worth mentioning that this obelisk has suffered scratches from
shrapnel during World War II on the River Thames, known as needle
Cleopatra, which was Thutmose had erected in front of the Temple of Ain
Shams, and Obelisk other currently exist in Istanbul is one of the
Mslten ordains Thutmose front edifice VII (gate great )
Karnak was transferred Emperor Theodoros in 510 AD, and in fact
represents the upper part of the obelisk only obelisk was originally
much longer than any obelisk now exist.It
has an obelisk other existing in New York hosted by Thutmose in front
of the Temple of the Sun This obelisk and Obelisk London twins, a list
now in Central Park, also ordered Thutmose in the late days users that
are held obelisk in front edifice eighth of the Temple of Karnak but
not completed due to his death, and left in place for 35 years
to be found Thutmose IV and erected in the place where they are
prepared him and are now in Rome in front of the Church of St. John the
Ballatyran, the Constantine the Great King of the state Alrmanih
transfer this obelisk, weighing 455 tons to Alexandria in 330 AD to be
sent to Byzantium to beautify his new capital, but
failed to transfer stayed and remained in place for 27 years until his
son Kstuntunaios moved to Rome and Oqmha in the field Maxemas, In 1587,
disclosed and found broken into three pieces Vtm repaired and restored
by Domenico Fontana by order of Pope Scots fifth and erected in its
current location Square
Allatyran, as is also that raises the cross on the summit, believing
that this symbol of the victory of Christianity to pagan.Maximum limits for EgyptThat
Thutmose III established the oldest empire in history is the extreme
limits of Egypt in the Pharaonic era was in the imperial era in the era
of Thutmose III reached the borders of Egypt to the Euphrates to the
east and to Libya to the west and to the coast of Phoenicia north and
south to the Fourth Cataract or fourth cataract. [2]His tombMatt
Thutmose at the age of 82 years after being sentenced fifty-four years,
and was buried in a cemetery in Valley of the Kings he had prepared for
himself a tomb No. 34, where one of the early kings who built tombs for
themselves in the Valley of the Kings, has discovered his tomb in 1898
by the World Victor Loret He found the cemetery had been looted by the mummy was not found in the Deir el-Bahri in 1881.
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